Silent change

I am thinking about change now - change in humans, changing humans

Changes that occur in silence
Changes that happen slowly, dimly
Changes sourced in mere witness
Of the outer world, the self, and the reactivity between them

Changes that creep up on you, unnoticed
Until they confront you in their full-bodied inescapability
Small changes that, gradually, become one big change
Changes that, once occurred, leave nothing unchanged

And as the gears of change grind along, slowly
As the tension builds, irrevocably
You will know, somewhere in the dark corners of your body and mind
That what is isn't right anymore

There will be fog at first - and fear
But once the feather sprung, once the drop spilled
All you remember will be
That it did

That everything assumed the place it was always meant to assume
That there is no going back, not even the thought of it
That you have become different, changed
That you have become

And while the silence that bore the change
Is what gives it its power
Silent change takes the world by surprise
And surprise will - at first - be met with resistance

And when the world finally does catch up,
Nothing remains intact
Everything is renegotiated
A new world is born


Secret moutain lakes - Summer 2021