Principles that I seek to live by, given my epistemic position today. As a meta principle. I hope I will be able to update these principles to manifest more and more wisdom as time goes on.
1. Work hard to promote freedom and autonomy in the world. Continuously seek to identify and eliminate sources of harm and suffering.
2. When taking action, be cognizant of the big in the big (scope sensitivity) and the big in the small (UDT).
3. You are like fish in the water. Continuously seek to transcend your current ideological context. Be cognizant of power structures. Consider important issues from different plausible worldviews and listen carefully to all plausible sides. Be cognizant of the extent of your own ignorance and blind spots.
4. Actually care about what is true. Known to distinguish the truth from being right, being defensible or agreeing with people you respect.
5. Think for yourself. Ask your own questions. Be wary of failing to distinguish other's questions from your own. The first and last person before which you have to defend your choices is yourself.
6. Develop your character. Try to never tell lies, even small ones. Acknowledge, understand and apologize for your mistakes. Take responsibility for your own beliefs and actions. Look at that which you're afraid of. Aim to never avoid something valuable just because it makes you feel awkward or afraid. Try to avoid all self-deception. Live truthfully.
7. Engage with the world you live in. Have opinions on many topics, but hold your beliefs probabilistically. Be quick to update on evidence. Notice when you're confused. Acknowledge when you were wrong. Be cognizant of complex truths. Don't force coherence prematurely.
8. Transcend the self-other divide. Remember that you exist outside of people's judgement.
9. Have hope. Rejoice in existence. Don't be ashamed of feeling deeply and feeling much. Don't be ashamed of struggling. Don't be afraid of where the currents of your being may carry you.
10. Try to understand your intrinsic values and avoid confusing them with instrumental values. Don't confuse other people's goals with your own. Develop, cultivate and deepen your own capacity to value.
11. Constantly seek to transcend your own sense of self. Learn to love your own boundaries. Cultivate clear seeing. Take care of your physical and mental instantiation. Always have a self-experiment running to find new ways to better yourself and your life.
12. Try to always be kind. Treat everyone with respect. Seek to understand before asking to be understood.
13. Look at yourself and the world from a place of truth and love.